Sunday, October 2, 2011

People Like Us

After watching the film People Like Us, i complete disagree with what the sociologist Lawerence Mead said. That is the complete opposite for some of the people in that film. Some people work extremely hard and still can not make. And what does he mean when he says rational to some people is the american dream which many people strive for poor and rich. After watching the film what i noticed is that some the people are the ones that end to act and talk irrationally to a point, where at times listening to what they said made me sick to my stomach.What i noticed with the film is most of the privileged teens did not have rational thinking at all. To a point where, while that film i thought is this what the world is coming to. What Sociologist Lawerence Mead might have meant was that some poor people or what was shown in the film was that rednecks( very poor white people) are the ones that are viewed upon as the people that do not think rational. Rather they think "we are where we are why dont we make the best of it". In the film they do make the best of what they have. But one amazing women did not want she want better. She story made me sad and cry, but at the same time it gave me hope.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you. I thought those girls were ridiculous... One girl said, "Those dorks are going to be rich!" It is just totally ignorant, and they obviously don't have to work very hard for what they have. The group of four privileged girls, all had cars that their parents bought for them...
